Hey mate, how is your soul doing? Has it turned its sight away from Christ while enjoying life? Have you forgotten that the Holy Spirit is praying for you when you are facing sorrows? (Romans 8:26) Friend, whether you feel happy or sad, know that God is inviting you today to accept and stand on the way of life which is Jesus Christ! (Acts 2:28; John 14:6)
I invite you to not miss your chance today to draw nearer to God. Christ will return (Acts 1:11), but then it will be too late to start mourning for him. (Matthew 24:30; Revelation 1:7) It will be too late, similar to what happened during the great flood when people did not take the warning from Noah seriously. (Matthew 24:37-39)
I don’t want to scare you, only to remind that you have a choice today between taking the narrow path or the wide road. You have an opportunity to turn towards God to repent, and if you have not already done it, accept Jesus Christ also with your heart, not only with your mind.
You don’t have to pray long prayers but let them come from your heart. God does not look at you as people do. People judge by outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)
Don’t be afraid to be sincere in front of God, be yourself. And know that you are important to God, Jesus loves you!