Jesus Christ is my brother!

For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.”

Matthew 12:50 NIV

I would say that I always obey God, but then I would be lying. What does it mean to be part of God’s family? Should man’s merit lie in obedience to the Holy Spirit and obedience to God? Maybe God accepts only the chosen ones into His family, so to speak, the number of places is limited.. 

Friend, do you have the answers? The Bible is a wonderful book that has answers to all questions… 

I thought several times in this place in the Bible:

If he were on earth, he would not be a priest, for there are already priests who offer the gifts prescribed by the law. [5] They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy  and shadow of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: “See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain.”

Hebrews 8:4-5 NIV

A shadow cannot show the true beauty of what the light falls on.  And if the blessings in the world are only a shadow, then surely what is in the Light of God is much better, including the family.

Families on earth are different, there is no doubt about it, and I won’t go into it at all… I am among the lucky ones who were not earned or earned by being in the family of previous generations. I was born enough to become a full member of the family.  I think it’s enough for God that you were born into His family. How can you be born into God’s family? Accepting Jesus Christ because He is the only way, the door to God. Sounds simple and is actually as simple as it really is. 

In my opinion, the most difficult thing in a family is not birth, but relationships with each other. Relationships often go hand in hand with testing further boundaries. As I said, there are different families. There are families where words are not needed to understand what is happening with a family member, and there are those in which a family member has made himself a stranger without even communicating for years. I think God’s family is similar. There are children of God who choose to strengthen their relationship with their Heavenly Father by freeing up their time in a busy world to get to know Him better. And there are children of God who have turned away from their families and become strangers. God’s patience with us is amazing. The very fact that He still gives us the opportunity to return and receive forgiveness, extending the time of grace on earth, shows the excellency of God in love.

Based on my family on earth, I think being in God’s family also means learning to respect each other, recognize boundaries, and obey the guidance of more experienced family members.